Liquor recipes from 1877

Cognac Brandy
Rectified spirits (proof)…… 10 gallons
French oil of cognac………. 1 drachm
Tincture of orris…………… 4 ounces
Acetic ether………………… 2 “
Tincture of vanilla…………. 1 “
Caramel, to color…………… q.s.

Apple Brandy
Rectified spirits ….. 10 gallons
Glycerine…………. 4 ounces
Tartaric acid ………. 2 “
Apple essence………1 “
syrup………………. 1 pint

Essence d’Absinthed.

Wormwood herb . . .1 pound.
Oil of wormwood . . . 1/2 ounce.
Simple syrup . ½  gallon.
Rectified spirits . . . . 2 ½ “

Put the finely divided herb with the spirits for two
weeks, filter, and add the oil dissolved in 1/2 pint of alcohol ; add the syrup, and color green with a few currant leaves.

Mint Cordial. (Huile de Minthe.)

Oil of peppermint . . . ½ ounce.
Alcohol . . . . .1 pint.
Syrup . . . . 5 ”
Rectified spirits . . . . 10 ”

Ginger Beer.

Concentrated essence of
Jamaica ginger . . 2 ounces.
The juice and rind of . 4 lemons.
White sugar . . .2 pounds.
Water . . . . 1 1/2gallons.
Yeast …. 1 tablespoonful.

To be kept in a warm place for about two days, when it is strained and bottled if not wanted for present use.


Honey ……………… l gallon.
Light-brown sugar . . .4 pounds.
Water . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 gallons.
Essence of lemon . . . 1/2 ounce.
Essence of almonds . ½ “
Yeast 1 gill.

Let the flavors be rubbed up with a portion of the sugar, when mix and ferment.

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